using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text;using System.IO;namespace cxx{ class RefTest { public void sqr( ref int i) //注意ref实在所有参数类型的最前面 { i = i * i; } } class refDemo { static void Main() { RefTest ob = new RefTest(); int a = 10; Console.WriteLine("a before call:" + a); ob.sqr(ref a); //还是在最前面 Console.WriteLine("a after call:" +a); Console.WriteLine(@"my name is shonewornmy blog: www.cnblogs.com/shoneworn welcome to my blog !"); //对自己的博客做一下推广,同时也复习一下 Console.ReadKey(); } }}
using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text;using System.IO;namespace cxx{ class RefTest { public int sqr( int i) { return i = i * i; //注意方法类型为int型,需要用到return来返回值 } } class refDemo { static void Main() { RefTest ob = new RefTest(); int a = 10; Console.WriteLine("a before call:" + a); int b = ob.sqr( a); //用b来接收值 Console.WriteLine("a after call:" + b); Console.WriteLine(@"my name is shonewornmy blog: www.cnblogs.com/shoneworn welcome to my blog !"); //对自己的博客做一下推广,同时也复习一下 Console.ReadKey(); } }}